Friday, December 21, 2012

Game: Far Cry 3

Massive in size. Much to do. All annoying issues with previous Far Cry games have been eliminated. More have been added.

Some SP mission objectives were completely unexplained, which pissed me off to no end, dying over and over with no idea why.

There's also serious player clipping issues spread at random, causing you to get stuck on random invisible bullshit. You'll be screaming "What the FUCK!" pretty much throughout any battle.

If a patch fixes these tiny pain in the ass issues, it'd be a flawless game.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

End Of The World

The anger about the end of the world debate has always made me laugh. It's simple; keep an open mind. I do hope we get into epic battles with aliens and it's interrupted by a planet slamming into us. How awesome would that be? In the meantime, relax your hateful fear of the unknown, because you don't have the answers one way or the other. Why is that so hard to accept?

< You say "but you made a song about it, dan." >

Yep! I'm into it. It's been an interesting subject since I was little. Are you so simple that you can't learn about things without it taking your entire brain over? If so, is that why you're life is fucking spattered shit?!

< You say "yeah, people are dumb to believe that stuff." >

No. What I mean is, people who believed it are just as dumb as those who didn't. It's impossible to know. Making the decision that it's true or not is just arrogance. Some things will never be known or understood. People who can't admit that to themselves are idiots.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Movie: The Watch

Critics hated it. I read one review saying it was nothing but penis jokes, but had it been just that, it wouldn't have been funny. I think the critics' problem is that he's a weak fuck that let the 1 penis joke I noticed stand out in his mind. I can only imagine why.

See this movie. It's full of laughs and really fun.

Friday, December 14, 2012

30th Birthday Party

Last night was awesome! Thank you all so much for everything. It was great getting to see everyone and I hope you all had as much fun as I did! Don't feel bad if you couldn't make it either. My birthday is ass deep in holidays and I understand completely. Much love!

What was supposed to be dinner, turned out to be a surprise party set up by Jen. I have pictures to post on my site later once I get them. Ate, played games, shot some pool, drank and sang karaoke. Fun night!

Jen, Nancy, Laura, Dad, Mom, Jess, Ryan, Marcelo, Mariana, Dustin, David, Earl, Ronnie, Patti, Anthony, and Brionna... Thank you guys!