Saturday, March 22, 2014

15 Years! (FB post)

Tuesday, March 25th, my website turns 15! To highlight that day, I'm doing a few things. 1st, I'll be adding a large download (maybe a torrent) of all the videos that were taken off YouTube, all the songs I've done, and more hidden surprises you never knew about.

2nd, I'm deleting most of my DH82 social networking profiles. Why? Because my fans refuse to use or be apart of social networking. Since the beginning, I've always been on the forefront of what's called "Anti-Culture". Which is kind of a funny group, because we continually make the trends we hate later when everyone else starts doing it. They're the same group that brought you memes. So really, it should be called something that has to do with being ahead of their time. It's kind of crazy seeing the internet follow trends that we were already tired of 10 years ago, but that's what it is.

But to give an example of just how pointless having a social networking presence for my site is, I'll give you some statistics. Back in 2010, I released a song called "End of The World". It was downloaded 320,000 times the 1st month! How many FB likes did it get? Let's just say, a little over 0. I showed a few friends the stats on FB's piece of shit Pages App, and it's amazing how much people will take and what little they give. Fuck FB.

To grow my fan base year after year, for 15 years is amazing. But it's also amazing that, while I appreciate their loyalty, I do not appreciate the shrinking (also year after year) and now, total lack of support they show. I ask myself: they come directly to me for my stuff, so why am I wasting my time trying to bring it to people who don't get it in the first place?

Don't get me wrong, I love my fans and followers. The donations are cool too, but I need to get back to my roots with direct communication (as you've always seen on my site) with them, and FB can't do that if they don't have a FB.

If you're 1 of the people who follows this page, don't worry. I'm not shitting on you. All you have to do is go to my main profile and click "follow", because that's where all my updates will go from now on. I appreciate your support, but you have to understand that 71 likes on FB equals to LESS than 1% of my fan base, and it doesn't make sense to keep using it. And if you're already on my friends list, you won't miss anything anyway.

So be on the lookout this coming Tuesday! March 25th!

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