Sunday, March 29, 2015


Thank you MTV, for your "Look Different" campaign. For squeezing even MORE tears out of this sensitive ass generation of sniveling crybabies.

Instead of teaching these kids to toughen up, outsmart the problem, or develop a sense of humor, you're telling them to cry. To tell the world "hey stop that, please?"

Wake up call, pussyheads! EVERYone will judge you!

When you're kids, it's about stupid shit like your looks. When you get older, it's about how much money you make. Politics, religion (both entirely pointless diarrhea and couldn't possibly matter any less but).. the list goes on and on.

You're not going to change it. Especially YOU, you're a little bitch! How do you expect to change ANYthing?!

You want the truth? Get MAD. Anger breeds motivation, and that's what you need. Sitting around crying all the time is not the answer, pussyhead.

Are you fat? Start running fatty! Do you feel stupid? Start reading dummy! Ugly? Suck a whole ton of dicks! Kidding.

Look, always keep in mind that the world doesn't owe you SHIT, and you will only get as far as your own actions will take you. What people say means nothing. Think about how many people you know right now who talk so much shit, but have nothing to show for their lives. Adults with no skills, no future, no accomplishments, barely weaseling by.

The only thing that will ever matter is what you DO. For yourself and others.

..and don't be a bitch bye.

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