Saturday, December 24, 2016

Sunday, March 29, 2015


Thank you MTV, for your "Look Different" campaign. For squeezing even MORE tears out of this sensitive ass generation of sniveling crybabies.

Instead of teaching these kids to toughen up, outsmart the problem, or develop a sense of humor, you're telling them to cry. To tell the world "hey stop that, please?"

Wake up call, pussyheads! EVERYone will judge you!

When you're kids, it's about stupid shit like your looks. When you get older, it's about how much money you make. Politics, religion (both entirely pointless diarrhea and couldn't possibly matter any less but).. the list goes on and on.

You're not going to change it. Especially YOU, you're a little bitch! How do you expect to change ANYthing?!

You want the truth? Get MAD. Anger breeds motivation, and that's what you need. Sitting around crying all the time is not the answer, pussyhead.

Are you fat? Start running fatty! Do you feel stupid? Start reading dummy! Ugly? Suck a whole ton of dicks! Kidding.

Look, always keep in mind that the world doesn't owe you SHIT, and you will only get as far as your own actions will take you. What people say means nothing. Think about how many people you know right now who talk so much shit, but have nothing to show for their lives. Adults with no skills, no future, no accomplishments, barely weaseling by.

The only thing that will ever matter is what you DO. For yourself and others.

..and don't be a bitch bye.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

A Rock in The Ocean

I'm a rock in the ocean. You, a foolish wave. A collective of your surroundings, pushed forward by the weakest of winds.

I've seen you coming. You're desperate for momentum. As you approach, a shadow casts over you. Suddenly you see what you hadn't before but, it's too late. As you come crashing against me, with all the force you've gathered along the way.. you completely obliterate yourself.

I'm still here, though. Minding my own business. Calm still, as I wonder.. which wave were you? Are you aware of the nothingness you've come from and returned to as you gather yourself, and try again?

It's an analogy. Much like the simple nature of a rock cliff and a stormy ocean, we are different energies. I will continue to over power you, no matter how badly you want me to sink to your level.

I'll come crumbling down one day, sure. ..But not for you.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Laughing in The Rain

Let me break it down for you.. all my life (before you were ever even apart of it), I've been the first one to run out in whatever storm life has thrown at me, to say "nanny nanny boo boo".

It's confusing to you, I know. With all confusion comes fear, and with fear comes anger. But man, it's real simple.

It's all about attitude. It's karma, god, energy, whatever you want to call it (it's all the same), I'm bursting with it. That's why I can walk out of those storms, no matter how damaged, and keep shining.

I'm not perfect and I never want to be, but whether you're apart of my world or not.. shit is amazing on my end.

So dance with me in the rain, or sit confused behind the glass, watching me twirl around like a maniac, and love every fucking minute of it.


Miss you too Karly. Thanks Ron. Hope it reaches someone else going through hard times.

I wanted to clear something up though.. this post was done out of me making peace with all the chaos of this past year. Also all the chaos everyone else has added to it that I've kicked out of my life.

And to the burnout who thinks he's clever.. I've never been high on anything but life. I never clock out of reality. We learn from pain, and I'm always present for every punch.

I wrote this status because I know, all anyone can really do is laugh. And if you aren't laughing.. that's how you know the joke's on you.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Thanks! Here's to 15 More

Torrent is done. Was packed full of crazy.

With clips like: Me on 98 rock, dumping an ex on the phone, a freestyle with aLf, tazing my testicles at a party, unheard intro and outro songs off my Promo CD (98).

Some unreleased songs no one's ever heard, such as: "No Good God Damn Whore", "Famous", "Wrist Cutters", and "Coffee's Great".

Requests were also added, some of which were: "Crack Slut [wicked remix]", "Boredom", "Bloody Bitch", and "End Song".

Sorry if you missed the download. If you were in any of the videos or clips and want them still, you're just going to have to wait until I find a good way to organize them for my website. Which will probably be awhile (if ever) since I'm focused more on making new shit.

A total of 218 files (10 image / 74 video / 134 audio).

15 years! Fuck!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

15 Years! (FB post)

Tuesday, March 25th, my website turns 15! To highlight that day, I'm doing a few things. 1st, I'll be adding a large download (maybe a torrent) of all the videos that were taken off YouTube, all the songs I've done, and more hidden surprises you never knew about.

2nd, I'm deleting most of my DH82 social networking profiles. Why? Because my fans refuse to use or be apart of social networking. Since the beginning, I've always been on the forefront of what's called "Anti-Culture". Which is kind of a funny group, because we continually make the trends we hate later when everyone else starts doing it. They're the same group that brought you memes. So really, it should be called something that has to do with being ahead of their time. It's kind of crazy seeing the internet follow trends that we were already tired of 10 years ago, but that's what it is.

But to give an example of just how pointless having a social networking presence for my site is, I'll give you some statistics. Back in 2010, I released a song called "End of The World". It was downloaded 320,000 times the 1st month! How many FB likes did it get? Let's just say, a little over 0. I showed a few friends the stats on FB's piece of shit Pages App, and it's amazing how much people will take and what little they give. Fuck FB.

To grow my fan base year after year, for 15 years is amazing. But it's also amazing that, while I appreciate their loyalty, I do not appreciate the shrinking (also year after year) and now, total lack of support they show. I ask myself: they come directly to me for my stuff, so why am I wasting my time trying to bring it to people who don't get it in the first place?

Don't get me wrong, I love my fans and followers. The donations are cool too, but I need to get back to my roots with direct communication (as you've always seen on my site) with them, and FB can't do that if they don't have a FB.

If you're 1 of the people who follows this page, don't worry. I'm not shitting on you. All you have to do is go to my main profile and click "follow", because that's where all my updates will go from now on. I appreciate your support, but you have to understand that 71 likes on FB equals to LESS than 1% of my fan base, and it doesn't make sense to keep using it. And if you're already on my friends list, you won't miss anything anyway.

So be on the lookout this coming Tuesday! March 25th!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Levels of Thinking

Anyone who knows me knows I've been studying the human mind for over 15 years now.

Here's some explanations for "Levels Of Thinking" that I've come up with. Feel free to steal this along with everything else I've posted to the net that's traveled the globe 10x without credit.

- Level 1: "Nothing lasts forever" ..which is coming to the factual realization (or as some would call it, a pessimistic view) of existence. Congratulations dipshit! You are now thinking!

- Level 2: "Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end" ..the optimistic observation that "life goes on". Think optimism is good? Keep reading.

- Level 3 is understanding that not every new beginning ends better than the last, and that there's also the possibility of it being even worse than anything previously experienced.

I often talk about "Level 3" in my songs. The world is currently stuck on a Level 2 thought process.

This is why so many people fall for scams, liars, and cheaters. It's how Obama got to be president. It's not just because you're a fucking dumbass, but also because you've been thinking optimistically. Which is not actually a good thing. It's still thinking with a filtered view. The same as pessimism! That's what my "Glass Half Empty" video was about.

So if you want to survive, you need to see and hear what there is to be seen and heard, exactly as it is. Withhold your judgments (and especially acceptance), and think it over from a distance. No tricks, no mistakes.

Over and out / suck on these nuts.